Haiti Arise Medical Team

Haiti Arise Medical Team
Back Row; Teresa, Mike, Rick, Dr Braam, Martin, Monique, and Dave Front Row: Lynnise, Elma, Betty, Sharon, Elva, and Noreen

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Patients kept coming

Just realized a post was duplicated so will do some editing... Wed the 13th was to be a followup day but since we had been doing several followups during the week, we decided to see some new patients as well. There were more than expected and some very hardbreaking situations; like the 25 year old lady weighing 31 kg with active TB. The local hospital was not assisting us with ultrasound, xrays and labwork - in fact they were asking for money and making diagnosis and care of patients quite difficult - this was pretty frustrating for Dr Braam and I as it seemed we had to leave a lot of loose ends. I was able to have a good chat with Drs Jacob and Dr Fritz and we trust that some arrangements can be made so that when future teams go to Haiti ARISE  patients can be treated in a circle of care provided in Grand Goave and surrounding area.    Sharon
We ate many mangos and the Haitians laughed at our style of eating these juicy fruits and
 in fact we all laughed at each other as we all had about the same technique!!

A very important part of our day. Morning Devotions.

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