Haiti Arise Medical Team

Haiti Arise Medical Team
Back Row; Teresa, Mike, Rick, Dr Braam, Martin, Monique, and Dave Front Row: Lynnise, Elma, Betty, Sharon, Elva, and Noreen

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Takes a team to run a clinic

Clinic began in full speed this morning as our medical team and Haitian team joined to provided much needed care. Yesterday was a typical first day of patients not all that sick but today already, that has changed - it was a hard morning for some of us as again we realized that although treatment is available elsewhere, there is no help here in Haiti. I will add a few pics but sign off as its time for the afternoon to start. Dr Braam, Dr Fritz and 4 nurses are seeing patients so things are moving along quickly. Sharon
Betty enjoying a little family

Pharmacy super busy.


  1. Keep up all the wonderful, selfless work everyone! Amber & Lynea Davidowich are sending much love to their Momma bear - Lynnise.

  2. Praying for the team for health, strength, patience (oh you have lots of them) wisdom and protection. Love from Shirley

  3. Fouché Williams7 March 2013 at 14:11

    Go Team Regina!
    Fouché and Wilna.

    1. Dear Foescb and Wilna, thanks for your blog, it is much appreciated.



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