Haiti Arise Medical Team

Haiti Arise Medical Team
Back Row; Teresa, Mike, Rick, Dr Braam, Martin, Monique, and Dave Front Row: Lynnise, Elma, Betty, Sharon, Elva, and Noreen

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Last Full Clinic Day

Well another full day at the clinic brought new adventures. This newborn baby born yesterday created quite a stir. The mom had some post partum problems and the dad had malaria.
Monique lovin' the babies

      We all felt sad about the little 4 year old with a burnt arm.
                Dr Braam and Elma gave him to best of care.


We enjoyed giving more chickens away today and seeing the absolute joy
and thankfulness of the people.

Noreen getting some advice on her script
Teresa qualifies now as a full fledged medical worker!

Martin, Rick and Mike completed the shelving for the medical records
and by the end of the day,had it installed

Good job and they didn't miss much of what was going on in the clinic!

So that's it for the blog tonight - we are very tired but will definitely add more as we see patients and followups in the morning and pack up and inventory tomorrow.   Sharon



  1. Wow, that shelving is perfect for all the medical files. Awesome job Men.
    Sad that your time is coming to an end. But I have a couple of children over here that are missing and asking about their g'ma & g'pa and are ready for their return! Well to be honest, I am missing you guys a fair amount myself.
    We will see you at the airport Thursday night. Looking forward to it!
    Blessings on you all for your gracious hard work in Haiti.
    Much Love
    The Maat Five

  2. We really enjoyed seeing all the updates and pictures. Dustin especially liked seeing the post from Dad and the pictures he took in town. Praying for you guys lots and looking forward to seeing you soon. Have a great last clinic tomorrow!
    You're coming home to a crawler...Haley's started crawling today!
    Love you lots.
    From us all!

  3. Great job team! (as seen from the pictures and the reports).
    Praying that the Lord will strengthen you as you return home.
    May you all feel blessed to have been a part of God's big
    picture for Haiti.

  4. Nothing succeeds like succcess>>>>>>>>>>...Good job guys..........



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